I’m a UX/UI designer with over ten years in the field, always striving to create digital experiences that aren’t just nice to look at but actually work well for people.
I started with a solid grasp of design basics, and since then, I’ve been growing alongside all the changes in digital design. Working with a wide range of clients and projects has given me insight into how users interact and what they really need.
My curiosity about how things work has led me back to school to study software engineering. I want to deepen my understanding and bring even more to the table as this industry keeps evolving.
You can design and create, but it takes people to make the dream a reality.
Recent Projects
— Education
Universidade Estácio de Sá
Bachelor's Degree Industrial Design - Visual Programming
Mar 2005 - Dec 2009 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Study and Graduated from this University as a Designer.
Columbus College of Art and Design
Bachelor's Degree, Industrial Design - Product Design